Here for the Ocean Air and Vibrant Culture
St. John's is the final stop before you've gone too far and crossed the pond altogether! But don't worry, Newfoundland is home to such a unique culture, you're not likely to find anything like it elsewhere in the world!
Upon arriving, you might notice the influx of pubs and eateries, especially if you're on George street, which is where the night life lives in downtown St. John's. Taking a walk down to the harbor will inevitably draw your eye to that interesting building perched atop Signal hill. It's a must-see attraction if you're visiting St. John's, a steep walk up the hill brings you atop Signal hill, where you'll find the best view of the city. On you way down, you'll likely walk through the Battery, a collection of neat homes placed precariously on the side of the hill.
Now, that was the good news, the bad news is that sometimes it rains in St. John's. A lot. For this, we've got you covered with Umbrellas by Fulton, so you can get outside despite whatever the elements may be throwing at you! Chances are, if you're visiting St. John's, you also are looking to see what makes the entirety of Newfoundland so great. I
f you're embarking on a road trip, you're gonna need luggage to stand up to the elements, for this, we think you'll need Patagonia bags, they pack smart and come in all sizes!
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St. John's is the final stop before you've gone too far and crossed the pond altogether! But don't worry, Newfoundland is home to such a unique culture, you're not likely to find anything like it elsewhere in the world! Upon arriving, you might notice the influx of pubs and eateries, especially if you're on George street, which is where the night life lives in downtown St. John's. Taking a walk down to the harbor will inevitably draw your eye to that interesting building perched atop Signal hill. It's a must-see attraction if you're visiting St. John's, a steep walk up the hill brings you atop Signal hill, where you'll find the best view of the city. On you way down, you'll likely walk through the Battery, a collection of neat homes placed precariously on the side of the hill. Now, that was the good news, the bad news is that sometimes it rains in St. John's. A lot. For this, we've got you covered with Umbrellas by Fulton, so you can get outside despite whatever the elements may be throwing at you! Chances are, if you're visiting St. John's, you also are looking to see what makes the entirety of Newfoundland so great. If you're embarking on a road trip, you're gonna need luggage to stand up to the elements, for this, we think you'll need Patagonia bags, they pack smart and come in all sizes!